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2 Nov 2024 -
Patch Notes - Ank II - November 2nd 2024Khepresh Original Vision Fulfilled:Khepresh has...

Patch Notes - Ank II - November 2nd 2024

Khepresh Original Vision Fulfilled:
Khepresh has recieved it's original vision for The Kha'labal. 

u New Houses have been added to Ankrahmun.
u For Lease Durations: Instead of lasting 1 Real Life months they now lasts 6 months.
u When you first purchase a lease-house the fee of the 1st month will be deducted from your person immediately.
u For every month after that during your lease the month's fee will be deducted from you bank account.
u If you don't have money in your bank account to pay the monthly fee you will be kicked from the lease and not have to pay the remaining amount.
u If you want to leave your lease-house you can do so at anytime with !leavehouse. When doing this the remaining fees on the lease do not need to be paid.
u This effectively means you can only own the lease for 6 months, but you do not need to pay 6 months up front, only 1 month at a time.
u When a lease expires instead of now having to wait 12 Real Life hours to repurchase the same house (which will allow others to purchase it) you now must wait 24 hours.
u Ruinous Pyramid in Ankrahmun has been slightly increased in size.
u Old Granary 2 in Ankrahmun has been slightly increased in size.

u Miscellaneous Patch Notes in No Particular Order:
u Ambushes added to the Caves of the Forty.
u Raids have not been added to Khepresh.
u The Djinn Sea Library is updated.
u Theristrut Priestess has been changed.
u Leader of the Forty has been changed.
u The Pharaoh's Burial Chamber Quest has been changed. It has been made harder as well as some other additions.

u The Pharaoh's Burial Chamber Quest level requirement has been increased.
u Justice of Pharaoh, Courage of Pharaoh, and Wrath of Pharaoh quest items have had their NPC sell price increased.
u Fixed a bug with NPC Ursula selling spells.
u Some minor bugs in Raids have been fixed.
u Various minor bugs with items have been fixed.
u Various Ambushes have been added to various areas in Khepresh.

u Various ambushes have been added to the world of Dura.
u Shakir and Yahya both have had their travel prices lowered.
u Various Raids have been added to the game.
u Some legacy exploration quests have had their requirements changed, minor.

Healing added to:
u Bear
u Crypt Shambler
u Cyclops
u Dwarf guard
u Dwarf Soldier
u Mummy
u Rotworm
u Scarab
u Slime
u Valkyrie
u Crocodile

Monsters have had their speed altered, mostly increased:
u Crawling Hand
u Efreet
u Leader of the Forty
u Marid
u Slime Ooze
u Tar Ooze

u Lowered invisibility frequency for One of the Forty
u Lowered invisibility frequency for Demon
u Bedouins will drop gold now in their body, not their bag.
u Heroism for Crawling Hand has been lowered from 95 to 158 to 91 to 153
u Heroism for Tar Ooze has been lowered from 108 to 179 to 100 to 165
u Heroism for Dragon Lord has been lowered from 44 to 84 to 44 to 77

u Removed, changed, or nerfed Dura City Raids to make cities more habitable. E.G Amazons in Venore, Minotaurs in Fibula, etc. etc.
u Cheaper travel in and out of ank if own a lease. Lore to be integrated for this.
u Various Typos for NPCs. E.G. Bronze Mallet with NPC Alesar
u If you do not have Premium Account then on logging you will be kicked from the regions of Darashia and Ankrahmun.
u Many current areas altered in the world
u Many Libraries throughout Dura have had books added to their collection.
u Various micro-balancing adjustments for most monsters in the game, they'll each be slightly more dialed in now when it comes to their design.
u Manadrain removed from Dwarf Soldier

Kasfa NPC has been expanded.
u Ismael NPC has been expanded.
u Diqrah NPC has been expanded.
u Aman NPC has been expanded.
u Arito NPC has been expanded.
u Conrad NPC has been expanded.
u Desani NPC has been expanded.
u Karver NPC has been expanded.
u Taylor NPC has been expanded.
u Wellington NPC has been expanded.
u Some NPCs in edron Magic Academy have been expanded.

u New content in various ways, has been added to the Caves of the Forty
u New content in various ways, has been added to the Kha'labal Desert and the City of Ankrahmun
u Various monsters added throughout the Kha'labal
u Various spawns/areas altered throughout the Kha'labal

u Various items have had their names changed.
u NPC Shakir's Schedule has changed.
u Annihilator made harder, because Dura's Item System and Ancient Runes make the quest much easier.
u Djinn Fortress of Mal'o'quah and Ashta'Daramai have been altered.

u Add new status condition: Dim or Dimming.
u Lowered Damage of Cactus Trap

Dura Staff

17 Oct 2024 -
Patch Notes: October 17th 2024 u Starting tomorrow and going forward indefinitely, if not...

Patch Notes: October 17th 2024 

u Starting tomorrow and going forward indefinitely, if not forever, Dura's new Server Save will happen 10:00 EST. This is 1 hour earlier than before.

Dura Staff

16 Oct 2024 -
Patch Notes: October 16th 2024​   u Ambush System Patch (new features,...

Patch Notes: October 16th 2024​  

u Ambush System Patch (new features, performance).
u Various Game Performance fixes and optimizations.
u Small NPC dialogue fixes (Donald McRonald, Simon the Beggar, etc...) (Cosmetic, nothing substantial).
u Fixed items dropping outside of player's backpack when dying without amulet of loss.
u Fixed not being able to rent Crumbling Temple room from Arito.
u Fixed exchanging runes to Topsy.

u Rope works for every container, not just backpacks.
u Monks can now summon wild warriors of all variation.
u Fixed a bug where players silence condition could stack they receive from a monster.
u Fix Dreadseers Eye of Wards being spawned on unreachable places.
u Fixed Pharaoh Priest Portal summoning mummies on unreachable places.
u Fixed bugs with Bertrand, Saabir and Taiseer. These had to do with Dura Time.

u Fixed monsters targeting players when they stop being invisible inside houses.
u Fixed players being transformed into monsters during server-client desynchronization leading to them not being able to perform any action until switching floors. Long standing bug.
u Fixed changing outfits and outfit variations through client

Dura Staff

26 Sep 2024 -
Patch Notes: September 26th 2024  You need to Restart your Client today, so it...

Patch Notes: September 26th 2024  

You need to Restart your Client today, so it updates.

u A new condition has been added to the game: Stillness
A player will gain this condition after 15 seconds of doing no action, whether moving, spells, speaking, dancing -- anything. When you are 'Still' you are not 'moving' and are 'quiet', you call no 'attention' to yourself. It's for these reasons that (New Sophisticated) ambushes will not happen to you because the 'foes in the area' are not aware of your presence.

u Death Damage is now brighter. Where previously it was very dark red, it is now only slightly dark red.
u The mana-bar should no longer show above a character's head under any circumstances.

Dura Staff

6 Sep 2024 -
Patch Notes: September 6th 2024   u There were bugs with various monsters that were...

Patch Notes: September 6th 2024  

u There were bugs with various monsters that were fixed today.

Dura Staff

Contentbox headline
11.12.2024 -
The Dwarven Ale!


In the depths of winter, when the snow lies heavy and the mountains glisten like polished mithril, the dwarves know well how to turn the bitter chill into a celebration of life’s richest blessings. For when the winds howl and the stone halls grow quiet, there is one thing that stirs their spirits like no other: Ale!

Hark, for this is no ordinary brew. The Dwarven Ale flows deep and hearty, rich as the veins of ore beneath the mountains, and bold as the songs sung by firelight. It is the lifeblood of feasts and the nectar of tales. Gather now, kindred spirits and adventurers alike, for the tavern doors swing wide, inviting all to step into a world where warmth is not just felt but shared.

Here, amidst the glow of roaring flames and the clamor of celebration, the air fills with the scent of roasted meats, the melody of jubilant voices, and the cheer of clinking tankards. Raise your mug high and let the frothy crown of ale spill in triumph! Tell your stories, sing your songs, and toast to the bonds forged in steel and laughter.

So heed the call, weary wanderer. Cast off the weight of your travels and take your place at the table. For tonight, the ale flows freely, the spirits run high, and the winter’s chill stands no chance against the blazing heart of the dwarven halls. Drink deep and be merry, for this is a night of legends in the making!

From December 13th Friday Server Save 10:00 EST, to December 17th Tuesday Server Save 10:00 EST, Dura will have the following effects when one is drunk:

u  500% Health Regeneration
u  40% Health Pool Increase
u  20% Damage Increase FOR PVE only, all attacks, spells, and runes affected
35% Healing Increase for both spells and runes

To Getting Drunk!
Dura Staff

27.11.2024 -
Season of Energy


The storm raged fiercely over the jagged peaks, casting the dark tower in bursts of silver light. At its pinnacle, the wizard stood amidst a maelstrom of howling winds and crackling electricity. His long, tattered robes billowed as his hands, wreathed in tendrils of pulsating energy, reached skyward to summon the storm’s fury. Thunder roared in answer to his commands, and bolts of lightning arced down to the tower’s spire, drawn like moths to flame. The air was thick with the acrid smell of burnt rock and stone and everything seemed bent at the great one's will.

Below, in the shadow of the mountain, a grim company of men ascended the narrow, winding path to the castle. Armed with steel and determination, their faces were lit by the faint glow of torches that struggled against the lashing rain. The townsfolk had suffered long under the wizard's shadow, his magic of energy cowering their lands and twisting their fates. Now, they moved with a desperate unity, the weight of their mission as heavy as the storm overhead. Above, the flashes of lightning silhouetted the ominous tower like a ghastly beacon, daring them to face the foe who wielded the storm.

The event, Season of Energy, will occur from Thursday November 28th Server Save to Monday December 2nd Server Save.


u During this event all energy damage that is dealt from monsters to players is increased by 15%.
u During this event all energy damage that is dealt by players to monsters is increased by 15%.
u Player energy damage will not increase against other players.
u Monsters whose core elemental identity is energy will reward bonus experience and loot. These monsters would be a Pharaoh, Warlock, Marid, Blue Djinn, Elf Arcanist, and possibly more.
u Bonus experience for the above will be 7%.
u Bonus loot for the above will be 7%.

To the Conquering of Storms,
Dura Staff


9.11.2024 -
Fourth Year Anniversary!


Four Years!
Whether Dwarf or Elf, Ranger, Knight, or Mage it's time to gather and celebrate with each other our shared past.

For Dura's Fourth Anniversary, just as last year, each day a small venue in a given area, usually a town, will replenish your health and mana the more you celebrate! This area will be a Non-PvP zone where you cannot die to players but you can die to monsters. It is not a protection zone. Players will have to find the area on your own but it will usually be a fun spot like a tavern or a local hangout.

So, to the tales of shared victories and daring quests, of late-night stories and laughter echoing out tavern window into the night, as legends of old intertwine with visions of what lies ahead!

Time of Event: Friday Server Save, November 15th 10:00 EST, to Friday Server Save, November 22nd 10:00 EST.

Fair warning that concerning the event area(s) of each day griefing/sabotaging will not be tolerated. There is no counter-play to griefing since it is a non-pvp zone -- therefore a 30 day ban, or more, will be given out to those who grief the event.

To another year in Dura,
Dura Staff

2.11.2024 -
Ankrahmun II - Update


Many new adventures await -- of brawn and brain, of mystery and great foe! Histories are to be unfolded, tragedies will be discovered. Test of strength will challenge each Duran who ventures beneath the dunes, and once below them he will either be swallowed up or come back arms laden with treasure.

Today Ank II is added to Dura! Something for everyone awaits across the desert sands of The Kha'labal! The game's endgame has been extended a great deal with new challenges awaiting each player and rewards! Much has been added, and much has been changed. Overall Dura will now not only have a great deal more to explore and vanquish but the game expands with new mechanics as well as increased depth in its gameplay, and finally a great deal of balancing and tightening up.

Note on Playing - New Launcher:
To play Ankrahmun II and Dura overall you will need to download a new Dura Launcher. A Launcher is essentially an updater that always starts up before the Client is loaded - it happens all seamlessly and automatically. For the player it's as simple as opening the Client, but instead now you will open the Launcher when you want to play. Every time you load Dura's Launcher it will automatically update anything that is new in Dura, a game-patch, a client-patch. Everything. For all intents and purposes the Launcher is simply the Client.

During this time a Dura Logo Graphic will pop up and remain on your screen which is when the download/update of the Dura Client is taking place. Sooner than later we will add a progress-loading-bar so you can follow the progress, but for now the logo will simply sit there. On a day like today where it's the first time The Launcher will run the entire process it will be between 1 to even 5 minutes, and this whole time the Dura Logo Graphic will be present and unmoving. This is normal. However after the first time The Launcher will take no longer than your Client would normally. You'll open the launcher and your client will pop up immediately.

The Game-Launcher has many advantages over a Game-Client which will make Dura overall a much better experience. You can download the Launcher here: If you have any problems please tell us in Discord - General Support

Note on Testing:
When we finished Ank II we thought we'd spend a day or two testing, no sweat and she'd be out. Boy we're we wrong -- 12 days! But we're saying this as good news: we spent A LOT of time to thoroughly test, debug, and balance things. So while I'm sure there will be some bugs as they have a wonderful way of hiding, overall you should have a very smooth experience with minimal bugs. Remember to report all bugs in Discord - Bug Reports

To mysteries and adventures!
Dura Staff

25.10.2024 -


Dura's eerie season has truly begun with spine-chilling omens lurking at every corner! Adventurers brave enough to venture forth can expect the unexpected, with winged and spidery horrors swooping down to deliver both terror and tantalizing rewards. But beware, for every demonic, undead, and unholy creature is empowered by the turning of the seasonal clock, making them more relentless than ever.

Alongside the familiar ghouls, whispers tell of new forces—creatures cloaked in darkness, emerging from realms unknown, ready to surprise even the most seasoned warriors. It's essential to stock up on garlic, holy water, and any talisman of protection, as ghastly zombies roam the streets, their sallow bones rattling as they bring a thrill of dread to every town and hideaway.

Prepare well, for the season’s horrors have only just begun, and Dura promises a haunting unlike any other!

Starting Friday, the 25th of October Server Save to Friday, the 1st of November Server Save the following will take place:

u Bats and Spiders are already giving immense bonus experience and loot
u New Halloween only raids will appear on the 25th. Be careful, some are very dangerous.
u Bats and Spiders will frequent Dura in many raids sometime before the 31st
u All Halloween Themed raids will happen more frequently sometime before the 31st
u All Halloween Themed creatures will give bonus loot and experience at 6.66% bonus sometime before the 31st
- - Dreadseer
- - Tar Ooze
- - Crawling Hand
- - Demon
- - Pharaoh
- - Pharaoh Priest
- - Giant Spider
- - Banshee
- - Lich
- - Necromancer
- - Priestess
- - Demon Skeleton
- - Vampire
- - Crypt Shambler
- - Mummy
- - Witch
- - Ghost
- - Ghoul
- - Skeleton
- - Poison Spider
- - Spider
- - Rat
- - Black Sheep

On Thursday, the 31st of October, two hours after Server Save the Headless Knight will be crossing from the lands of the dead to the mortal world.

u This year the Headless Knight will not hesitate to kill you if you get in his way. He will use his powers of death to take your life on the spot if you bar his path and you will find yourself in Temple with lower experience and no backpack. He might even threaten you for merely glancing at his visage.
u You will have to drain him of his life before he will leave this plane. You have to kill him.
u When the Headless Knight does die his body will not be moved by any ghostly spirits.
u Fallen Warriors will spawn, one for every soul (player) in the area, at the time of the Headless Knight's passing
u Fallen Warriors will be creatures which when killed will have spoils each worth an entire lifetime.

To Hallow's Eve,
Dura Staff


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