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Active Guilds on Dura
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Adventure Here We Come
We are a close group of friends playing to help each other. We are not interested in random drama. We are not recruiting anyone out of the circle. ENG-PT-ESP-SWE Everythings an Adventure
The world shall know pain!
All In
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Amigo dos Amigos
No Dura e na vida Cuidado onde ou em quem você pisa. ADA
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Ancient Oldghost
Bless or Curse?
Asylum Legends
Wars come and go but my soldiers are eternal.
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Balcony Buddies
Neutral guild focused on enjoying the game together and<br />helping eachother.<br /> We like to sit and skill on the carlin depot balcony :)<br /> <br /> Any issues with guild members please contact Marijuana<br />Grande on discord or in game.
Vi e grabbar som gillar att basta!
Bikini Bottom
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Black Roses
expt quest hunts en lo que necesites te ayudamos siempre que<br />podamos te daremos una mano.
Blood Pact
Close group of friends just playing to relax and have fun.<br />Currently not accepting applications.
There is only one light from the sun, although it is<br />hindered by walls, mountains, and countless impediments.
Boy Scouts
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Boys With Girth
Because size does matter..
Witam Serdecznie w Swiecie Dura, BraciSieNieTraci jest to<br />tylko i wylacznie Gildia poswiecona dla Polakow Ktora ma na<br />celu Zebrac Graczy do Wspolnego polowania, pomagania sobie<br />czy wykonywania exp spots‚ Niezapomniany Klimat, Kulturka,<br />Wymagania: +18lat. Wiecej informacji dowiecie sie Od Prezesa<br />w Gildii. :)
For we are nothing without brotherhood!
Buteco dos Gods
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Caixao Sorridente
Exp Spot - Quests - Discord &lt;&gt; 4fun &lt;&gt; BR GUILD
Castle Street Serenity
Peaceful Guild Enjoying the Game Together!
Cereal Boys
Chosen Ones
Comida China
Cool No Sussurro
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Domination of The Dwarves
If yerr a -burp- brave Dwarf, join us -hicks- cousin!<br /> Drink the finest beers with us! And DOMINATE THE DURA!<br /> HAIL DURIN!
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We are the legion of the damned. Charged with the<br />everlasting protection of our ancestral home, we roam the<br />lost passages of Hells Gate, stemming the tide of the<br />restless dead.
Dragon Order
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Dragon Order Academy
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Drunk Snowflakes
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Dura Teston
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Dura Welcome Committee
Guild intended to help new Dura players. To request to enter<br />the guid, please speak through discord to Nona#9616.<br /> <br /> Max level 20.<br /> Non-pvp guild.<br /> If you kill or attack some instant kick.
Our mission is DURAbility to inDURAte the DURAtion of<br />enDURAnce!
O Mundo Como Deve Ser.
El Club De La Lucha
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Elvis Crespo Llorando
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Extinction welcomes all levels and all people. Neutral to<br />the cause. Will not tolerate player killing, power abusing,<br />rule-breaking. Come and let's start the Ultimate Dura<br />Adventure towards ANNIHILATION.
Fallen Angels
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Fellowship Of Dura
neutral, friendly, peaceful guild that welcomes new &amp;<br />loyal players. Whether starting out or wanting a set few<br />friends to game with. All abilities are welcome &amp;<br />encouraged. All who join are advocates to make the server<br />grow! UK/EU Based but again, please don't let that stop you!<br />Enquire within!
Folsom Prison
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Ashari! Many armies have fallen in battles against evil over<br />the centuries, but the elves of Ab'dendriel have survived.<br />Immortal Elves continue to protect all The Living. The<br />Forest is a haven of freedom for anyone caring about<br />peaceful Dura's future...
We are a nice guild that likes to do nice things. Write if<br />you have any questions about anything
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Todo paraíso precisa de um pouco de inferno!
Ichi Style
We do not stand by in the presence of evil.
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Inbreds Of Dura
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Iron Company
If there's any issue with a member PM me via Discord<br />Itox#4054
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King Rock
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La Tiendita
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Latin Elementalis
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Somos pura gente cabrona, iniciada por Hegal, echa para<br />ayudar a toda la razita tibiana, manda mensaje a Mexita o<br />Zarathustra para ser invitado.
Los Chicos del Barrio
Los Hermanos
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Lost in Mt Sternum
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Im waiting for you AVENGER!<br /> Te estamos esperando VENGADOR!
Mercennarii Aequitati
I. Begin with your own family.
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Monks of the Moonkeepers follow an ancient tradition, one in<br />which adherents study the cycles of the moon. We believe<br />just as the moon changes form, so must we. In this guild we<br />will teach you the Way of the Moon.
New Choice
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Nolife Chat
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Occupational Safety and Health Administration
With the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970,<br />Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health<br />Administration (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful working<br />conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards<br />and by providing training, outreach, education and<br />assistance.
Oiseau Runemaking Inc
Order of the Magi
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Outlaw Clan
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Padaria Team
neutral guild for friends to help each other with missions,<br />levels, etc...
Old guild aimed at rpg and waiting for madison to get into<br />trouble! Not recruiting at the moment.
Paper Company
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Phoenix Rising
&quot;From the ashes of the old, we are born anew, to burn<br />ever so brightly, and bring light into the darkness.&quot;<br /> <br /> Rising Phoenix is a friendly guild built on brotherhood<br />and trust. We're focused on doing things together: hunting,<br />questing and going on adventures to discover the secrets of<br />the world.
Pk Irradiation Inc
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Problem With Authority
May we get what we want and never what we deserve!
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Red Legion
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Red Line
All is welcome, We are players who are missing the old<br />times.<br /> But, don't underestimate us because of our age...
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Party hardy. Not actively recruiting. Majority of members<br />from USA, Canada, and Sweden. Members also from Finland,<br />Brazil
Rookgaard Society
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Guild dedicated to those who make Rookgaard their home. <br /> Those level 12+ without vocations are welcome!
Royal Council
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Rua das Tulipas
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Silent Society
Sinaloa Corporation
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Sons of Elf
Guilda criada para pegar exp spots, fazer quests e nos<br />ajudarmos conforme for possível. sem ladrões. sem pks.<br /> Guild created to catch exp spots, do quests and help each<br />other as possible. no thieves. without pks.<br /> Gremio creado para atrapar puntos de experiencia, hacer<br />misiones y ayudarse unos a otros como sea posible. sin<br />ladrones. sin pks.
Team Wiro
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The Chosen
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The Golden Girls
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The Law office of JTE and U
The Law Office you know and love! We are here to establish<br />order, make friends, help noobs, and be merry. (fees and<br />restrictions may apply, please read the terms of service, we<br />are not a certified legal company, The Law Office cannot<br />represent in official court, none of our members are paid<br />lawyers, but we have a good time) If you've been injured in<br />a car accident let some one else know! We are here for fun,<br />nostalgia, and friends.
The Vanguard
The Vanguard is a peaceful guild. DURA'S FIRST GUILD!
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Umbrella Corporation
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A friendly and peaceful guild, always striving for the<br />betterment of Dura.
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Utrud Id-Abad
Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!
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Peaceful, but will punish those that deserve to be punished<br />we are English speaking.
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Vuando na Chapa
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Way of the Open Hand
The Way of the Open Hand welcomes all kind-natured<br />adventurers. We treat others the way we wish to be treated,<br />and we defend one another from the forces of evil. We engage<br />in defensive PvP only. No lurers, no griefers, no thieves.
What The Fiark
WTFiark Bro!?!?
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White Balance
NaturalSociety made to enjoy the sever -<br />makesocialgroups-tips. Quest .Xp spots .Info and Good people
Xystiques worshippers
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Zakon Opetanych Magow
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